“Spring has a way of bringing everything back to life, even a broken heart.” — Willie Nelson
Spring is nearly here, with its release from the winter’s cold. As the days slowly grow longer and warmer, we all look forward to the promise of rebirth the season brings. BodyMindWisdom joins in our celebration of Spring and our intentions for bringing everything back to life.
Serving the yoga and holistic health community for over 20 years BodyMindWisdom offers you practical solutions for your meditation and yoga practice, stress reduction, and our array of self-help & vibration products. In addition, we’ve got mindfulness articles in our blog. Bring harmony and balance into your life with BodyMindWisdom. We’re serious about holistic health—read more…
Featured Products
Back Jack chairs are popular, sturdy, economical portable meditation chairs for floor sitting. They’re made in the US and they feature a soft 10-oz cotton duck fabric cover or our newer “tuff-duck” polyester fabric, over a rigid, lightweight, steel rustproof frame. Back Jack seat cushions are heavily padded for comfort.
If you have myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (long-sightedness), presbyopia, astigmatism, computer vision syndrome, or cataracts—you could benefit from myopia pinhole glasses. In addition, choose from our wide selection of Modern and Traditional Designs to decide what “look” to wear.
The Meditation Bench is a seiza kneeling bench offering greater comfort for seiza meditation. The design of the bench lets you kneel with your feet comfortably positioned under the bench. This allows you to position your legs under the bench, to kneel comfortably, and to meditate effectively.
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International Shipping
In the past, we offered a free service having the attractive negotiated rates for international shipping – outside of the US (including: Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, Israel, Europe, and India, for example). We do not offer this today.
Is it safe to shop on-line at BodyMindWisdom.com?
We understand your concerns about internet security and online shopping. Since we shop online ourselves, we place a strong emphasis on online security.
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