In case you didn’t know, Mother’s Day isn’t far away. Think about the following strategy for a gift for Mom—whether you’re shopping on the internet or off.
· What would Mom really want? Let’s face it—not all Mom’s love cookbooks or incense or flowers… If you give some personal thought to the gift, it will make it all the more meaningful for Mom.
· Buying a gift for Mom doesn’t mean you have to put out a lot of money. If you have chosen something a bit above your budget, maybe you can share purchasing a gift for Mom with others in the family. Be creative that way, too.
· If you’re ordering on line, make sure you leave enough time. Most on-line purchases usually take at least a day to be processed. Then, assuming the merchandise is in stock, shipping itself can take anywhere from 2 to 6 business days, depending on where the shipper is. Ordering on line at least a week in advance is certainly not too early!
· If you do become short on time, consider an electronic gift. This ideas is useful if Mom would like an electronic flexible gift such as music or an ebook. Another even more flexible gift is an electronic gift certificate. In either case, an electronic gift is virtually immediate!
Happy Mother’s Day!
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